Sunday, March 9, 2008


Clipping contributed by Douglas Lyon East Liverpool Review, East Liverpool, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Lyon
To Mark Golden Wedding

They'll Hold Open House For Anniversary Wednesday.

The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Lyon will be celebrated with open house Wednesday from 2 to 10 o'clock at their home on the Smiths Ferry-Calcutta Rd.

They were married Nov. 25, 1909, by the Rev. L. N. Campbell in the parsonage of the Free Methodist Church of Hookstown.

Mrs. Lyon, the former Ellen A. Duncan, does all her work and her husband assists in operating machinery and caring for a garden on their farm.

They are active members of the First Free Methodist Church of East Liverpool.

They have four daughters, Mrs. Charles E. Dunn(Twila) of the Smiths Ferry-Calcutta Rd., Mrs. Phillip C. Boyce (Muriel) of Tuscarawarus Rd., Beaver; Mrs. Charles S. May (Dorothy) of Beaver, and Mrs. Robert Morrow (June), of Georgetown and two sons, Cecil Lyon, living at home, and Thomas Lyon of Calcutta.

There are 11 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.



Funeral services were held this afternoon in the Free Methodist Church, near Hookstown, for a
Hookstown couple, Abraham and Mary Lyons, life-long residents of the county, who died within twenty-four hours of each other.

Mr. Lyons, 76, died suddenly at nine o'clock Friday morning from a heart attack in his home. Mrs. Lyons, 74, had been in ill health for some time bu insisted on purchasing the burial lot in Mill Creek cemetery, near Hookstown, and going to East Liverpool, O., to purchase a suit for her husband's funeral.

Funeral arrangements had been completed when Mrs. Lyons collapsed and died at 9:10 o'clock Saturday morning in her home. Arrangements were changed to make the funeral and burial a double serviec.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyons are survived by four sons, Harry and Clifford Lyons, Hookstown; Roy Lyons, Beaver, and Charles Lyons, Monaca; and four daughters, Mrs. Bertha Gillespie, Hookstown, Mrs. Armenia McHugh, Cleveland, Mrs. Jeannette Cudiff, Chester, W. Va., and Emma Lyons, a home.

In addition, Mr. Lyons is survived by a brother, Louis Lyons, Chester, W. Va., and Mrs. Lyons is survived by three sisters, Mrs. T. S. Campbell, Chester, W. Va., Mrs. Rosa Campbell, East Liverpool, O., and Mrs. Maggie Laughlin, Hookstown, and three brothers, J. L. Allison, Hookstown and George and Bert Allison, Chester, W. Va.

Contributed by Douglas Lyon
Abraham died on May 23, 1941
Mary died on May 24, 1941
(as close as I can figure this article was printed on the 26th of May 1941)

There are photos and obits at these links: (Abraham - by George Allison) (Mary - by George Allison)