Sunday, June 8, 2008


Glenn, Eugenie
The East Liverpool Tribune
Eugenie F. Glenn, aged 28, daughter of Mrs. M. B. Glenn, died at noon yesterday, (Jun. 22, 1906) at her home, 151 Vine street, after a lingering illness of a complication of diseases. She had been an invalid all of her life and the last three years was shlpless. This is the second time the family has been bereaved in two months, the father being the first one called.
The funeral services will likely be held Sunday. Interment will be made in the Township Line cemetery. The deceased is survived by her mother, a sister, Gertrude, and a brother, Fred.


Booker, Christina
The East Liverpool Tribune
Christina V. Booker, aged two months, died Sunday (Aug. 19, 1906) of infantile trouble a the home of her parents, 141 Bank street. The funeral services will be held this morning at 11 o'clock and burial will be made at Riverview.

FRANK BAKER - Obituary

Baker, Frank
The East Liverpool Tribune
Frank Baker, aged 26, died at 6 o'clock Saturday evening (Aug. 18, 1906) at his home in Dry Run of consumption after a lingering illness. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. S. A. Peregoy of the Erie street Meghodist Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be made at Spring Grove.


Hargreaves, James S. (Should read Joseph)
The East Liverpool Tribune
James S. Hargreaves, a well known pottery worker and veteranof the war of the rebellion, died yesterday afternoon (Jan. 24, 1907) at his home in Pennsylvania avenue, East End, of pneumonia, aged 60 years. The remains will be taken to Terre Haute, Ind., Saturday, for burial. Mr. Hargreaves is survived by his wife.
Hargreaves Funeral
Rev. S. A. Peregoy, pastor of the Erie Street M. E. church, conducted the funeral services over the remains of the late Joseph Hargreaves at the residence yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. the remains were then taken to Sullivan, Ind. for Interment. The widow accompanied the body and will make her future home in that state.


Swaney, Alcinus
The East Liverpool Tribune
Alcinus Swaney Succumbs to An Attack of Heart Trouble
Had Excellent Record In Civil War--Highly Esteemed by Everyone
Alcinus Swaney, the veteran mail carrier, died suddenly at 11:35 Saturday night (Jan. 26, 1907) at his home, 3?0 Lincoln avenue, of an aflection of the heart, aged 64 years. The funeral will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon from the family residence. The Rev. J. M. Price, of Wellsville, an old friend of the deceased, will conduct the services, assisted by the Rev. Dr. E. M. McMillen, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery. The pall bearers will be members of the local post of the G. A. R.
Mr. Swaney was born at Millpot, Ohio, and removed to East Liverpool 28 years ago. He was for a short time engaged in the grocery business at Market and Second streets, in the room now occupied by Joseph H. McCoy. Retiring from the grocery business he was employed for 10 years in the Laughlin and K. T. & K. potteries.
In 1889, when the free delivery system was established at the postoffice Mr. Swaney entered the service as carrier No. 1, which position he held up to the time of his death. He served three years as a member of Company K, 115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, having enlisted at Massilion. He had a splendid soldier record, but being strongly prejudiced against those things, could never be induced to relate anything of the part he played in the struggle between the north and south. Col. H. R. Hill was on of his comrades in arms.
Mr. Swaney was a life long Demcorat, and adhered closely to the lines as laid down by his party, but never engaged in an argument or attempted to exploit his opinions in the presence of others. Hw eas an honored member of General Lyons Post No. 44, Grand Army of the Republic, and of Ohio Valley Ruling No. 43, Mystic Circle, but owing to the wishes of the deceased niether of these organizations will attend his funeral as organizations.
Last Tuesday Mr. Swaney had a sinking spell, which was sttributed to an affection of the heart. His recovery seemed to be rapid, and on Saturday he reported to the postoffice and notified Postmaster Surles that he would rresume his duties as carrier Sunday morning. After a half-hour's pleasant chat with Postmaster Surlesand the office force he proceeded to his home, and after eating a hearty supper remarked ahat he was feeling splendidly and would visit a neighbor before retiring.
Returning sooner than was expected he was asked why he had returned so soon, and replied that he had forgotten to wind the eight-day clock. this duty which he performed with careful regularity, having been performed, he bade the family good night and ascended the stairs to retire.
Shortly after Mrs. Swaney and daughter, miss Allie, followed Mr. Swaney up stairs and on arriving near his room heard him moaning. On entering his room they found him in bed an to all appearances lifeless. Dr. Bailey was then summoned and on examination pronounced Mr. Swaney dead.
Speaking of Mr. Swaney last night Postmaster Surles said: "Mr. Swaney was the oldest employe of this office. He came here long before my time, and I have never met a man in a social or business way that I held in greater regard. I have never known him to be out of humor; he was always kind and courteous to his fellow employes and there has never been a complaint from any of the patrons on his route. He was one of the best men I have ever known. He wore three stars as a mark of continuous service as carrier and would have soon been entitled to the golden star, an especial mark of honor."
Mr. Swaney is survived by his wife and the following children; Frank Swaney, manager of the local Bell telephone exchange; William Swaney, wire chief of the Bell telephone exchange; Daniel H. Swaney, of Allegheny, Pa.; James Swaney, of East End, Pittsburg; Miss Allie Swaney, at home, and Harry H. Swaney, in the employ of the C. & P. Railway company at Wellsville.

JOHN NEWLIN - Obituary

Newlin, John
The East Liverpool Tribune
Sixteen Year Old Boy Crushed By Heavy Weight Striking Him
A fatal accident occurred at the plant of the American Sheet & Tin Plate company yesterday morning (Dec. 28, 1906), the victim being John Newlin, the 16-year-old son of Samuel Newlin, the mill carpenter.
Young Newlin was employed as a scrap boy at the mill, and was gathering up the scraps of steel about the shears when the heavy weight used in operating the machine was let down with considerable force, striking him on the back as he was stooping over. The boy was crushed to the floor and rendered unconscious.
On examination by Drs. Park and Tarr it was found that his back was broken, and he died less than a half hour after the accident. The body was removed to McLean Bros. undertaking establishment and later to the Newlin home at Kounts' Corners, between Wellsville and East Liverpool.
The coroner will conduct an inquest today, and the funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday from the residence. Interment will be made in Spring Grove cemetery.


Swearingen, George
The East Liverpool Tribune
Passes Away Saturday Morning at His Home In Steubenville.
George T. Swearingen, who was born and reared on the old Swearingen farm in Hancock county, near Hollidays Cove, W, Va., died Saturday morning (Nov. 17, 1906) at his home in Steubenville, Ohio, after an illness of a year or more. Death was due to organic heart trouble. The deceased was a son of Henry and Salome Swearingen, and conducted a meat market at Steubenville for 2 years. He was married February 18, 1871 to Margaret A. Langfitt, of Beaver County, Pa., who lived only a short time. To them was born one son, Charles L., now assistant treasurer of Cleveland. In 1877, he was married again to Sarah J. Hooker, of Hancock county, W. Va., and she died in 188?. To their union were born three daughters, Ellen and Fannie, and Mrs. Carrie Oliver. In 1887, Mr. Swearingen took unto himself a third wife, Miss Annie E. Reynolds, and to them were born four children, George, John, Mary and Hol?en. The brothers and sisters who survive are Daniel W., of Hancock county, W. Va., William, of Pittsburg; A. F., of Cleveland; Henry, of Steubenville; Mrs. C. B. salmon, of Steubenville; Mrs. J. C. Mather, of Bloomfield, and Mrs. Frank Durrie, of Manistee, Mich.


Allison, Peter L.
The East Liverpool Tribune
Is Dead After An Illness of Six Week's Duration.
Peter Lincoln Allison, one of the widest know and most highly respected citizens of Chester and Hancock county, died at 11:45 o'clock Saturday night (Nov. 17, 1906) at his home in Louisiana avenue, of catarrah of the stomach after an illness of six weeks' duration, aged 42 years. Besides his wife the deceased is survived by two daughters, Lottie, aged 12, and Mayle aged 9 years. The following brothers of the deceased also survive; I D. and R. E. Allison, of Hancock county, and G. W. Allison of East Liverpool.
The funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today from the first M. E. church, the Rev. Mr. Garrow, of Rochester, Pa., assisted by the Rev. Mr. Silvers, the Rev. Mr. Faust and the Rev. S. H. Greenlee officiating. Interment will be made in Locust Hill cemetery,

HOLLY STONE - Obituary

Stone, Holly
The East Liverpool Tribune
Falls Between Cars and Two Pass Over His Body
Dies Short Time After Being Taken to Hospital
Holly Stone, who was employed in the C. & P. Yards at Wellsville was brought to the city hospital last night, about 11:45 suffering from injuries received while attempting to climb between two cars. He had hardly been placed on the operating table when he expired, although Dr. Clyde Larkins, who was present when he was brought in, made every effort to prolong his life.
Both of Stone's legs were broken and he sustained internal injuries, besides a severe wound on his head. He was brought from Wellsville on a special train and conveyed at once to the hospital.
Stone lived in Riverside avenue, near Eighteenth street, Wellsville, and had been employed as a brakeman on the "hump" for abot three months, previous to which time he was working on the wreck train. He moved to Wellsville about two years ago and was about 35 years of age. He is survived by his wife and one child.
Two cars passed over Stone's body after he fell between them. How he came to slip and fall is not know, but is is probable that the bumpers were wet from snow and rain.

JANE POOL - Obituary

Pool, Mrs. Jane
The East Liverpool Tribune
Mrs. Jane Pool Passed Away Yesterday at Marietta
Mrs. L. A. Zents, of Pennsylvania avenue, received word Friday evening that her mother, Mrs. Jane Pool, of Marietta was dying. Mrs. Zents left Saturday morning for Marietta and yesterday telegraphed her husband that her mother died yesterday morning (Aug. 21, 1906). Mrs. Pool was about 53 years of age and has been ill for four years with dropsy.
Besides Mrs. Zents the deceased has three brothers and two sisters residing in East Liverpool: Harvey Hann of Erie street, and Gene Hanna and Joseph Walton of Dewey avenue, and Mrs. dora Callof Dixonville and Mrs. Florence Hough of Helena. The three brothers will probably attend the funeral. Mr. Zents leaves for Marietta this morning.


Chambers, Mrs. John
The East Liverpool Tribune
Mrs. John Chambers, a highly respected lady of Hancock county, died at her home back of New Cumberland Tuesday afternoon (Aug. 21, 1906) after an illness extending over a period of eight years. Mrs. Chambers was born at the old homestead near where she died about 58 years ago, and had spent her entire life in that neighborhood.
Eight years ago her health failed, and since that time she had been an invalid. Three weeks ago she became worse and was compelled to take to her bed from which she never arose. Mrs. Chambers was a devout Christian lady of the Presbyterian faith, and her entire life was one of goodness filled with acts of true Christian kindness which endeared her to a large circle of friends and made her beloved by her relatives. Her sufferings were endured without complaint, and when God called, she went to Him prepared for judgement.
Besides her husband the following children survive: Mrs. John Freeman, of Toronto; Miss Harriet Chambers and Alva Chambers, living at home. The following brothers and sisters also survive: John, Robert and Willian Wilcoxen, of Wellsville; Mrs. Whitehill, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. James Roach, Mrs. George Chambers and Mrs. Huston, all living on adjoining farms near the old homestead, back of New Cumberland.
The funeral was held from the house this morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. W. E. Hill, of the East Liverpool Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in Fairview cemetery.