Swaney, Alcinus
The East Liverpool Tribune
Alcinus Swaney Succumbs to An Attack of Heart Trouble
Had Excellent Record In Civil War--Highly Esteemed by Everyone
Alcinus Swaney, the veteran mail carrier, died suddenly at 11:35 Saturday night (Jan. 26, 1907) at his home, 3?0 Lincoln avenue, of an aflection of the heart, aged 64 years. The funeral will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon from the family residence. The Rev. J. M. Price, of Wellsville, an old friend of the deceased, will conduct the services, assisted by the Rev. Dr. E. M. McMillen, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery. The pall bearers will be members of the local post of the G. A. R.
Mr. Swaney was born at Millpot, Ohio, and removed to East Liverpool 28 years ago. He was for a short time engaged in the grocery business at Market and Second streets, in the room now occupied by Joseph H. McCoy. Retiring from the grocery business he was employed for 10 years in the Laughlin and K. T. & K. potteries.
In 1889, when the free delivery system was established at the postoffice Mr. Swaney entered the service as carrier No. 1, which position he held up to the time of his death. He served three years as a member of Company K, 115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, having enlisted at Massilion. He had a splendid soldier record, but being strongly prejudiced against those things, could never be induced to relate anything of the part he played in the struggle between the north and south. Col. H. R. Hill was on of his comrades in arms.
Mr. Swaney was a life long Demcorat, and adhered closely to the lines as laid down by his party, but never engaged in an argument or attempted to exploit his opinions in the presence of others. Hw eas an honored member of General Lyons Post No. 44, Grand Army of the Republic, and of Ohio Valley Ruling No. 43, Mystic Circle, but owing to the wishes of the deceased niether of these organizations will attend his funeral as organizations.
Last Tuesday Mr. Swaney had a sinking spell, which was sttributed to an affection of the heart. His recovery seemed to be rapid, and on Saturday he reported to the postoffice and notified Postmaster Surles that he would rresume his duties as carrier Sunday morning. After a half-hour's pleasant chat with Postmaster Surlesand the office force he proceeded to his home, and after eating a hearty supper remarked ahat he was feeling splendidly and would visit a neighbor before retiring.
Returning sooner than was expected he was asked why he had returned so soon, and replied that he had forgotten to wind the eight-day clock. this duty which he performed with careful regularity, having been performed, he bade the family good night and ascended the stairs to retire.
Shortly after Mrs. Swaney and daughter, miss Allie, followed Mr. Swaney up stairs and on arriving near his room heard him moaning. On entering his room they found him in bed an to all appearances lifeless. Dr. Bailey was then summoned and on examination pronounced Mr. Swaney dead.
Speaking of Mr. Swaney last night Postmaster Surles said: "Mr. Swaney was the oldest employe of this office. He came here long before my time, and I have never met a man in a social or business way that I held in greater regard. I have never known him to be out of humor; he was always kind and courteous to his fellow employes and there has never been a complaint from any of the patrons on his route. He was one of the best men I have ever known. He wore three stars as a mark of continuous service as carrier and would have soon been entitled to the golden star, an especial mark of honor."
Mr. Swaney is survived by his wife and the following children; Frank Swaney, manager of the local Bell telephone exchange; William Swaney, wire chief of the Bell telephone exchange; Daniel H. Swaney, of Allegheny, Pa.; James Swaney, of East End, Pittsburg; Miss Allie Swaney, at home, and Harry H. Swaney, in the employ of the C. & P. Railway company at Wellsville.