Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A. W. BROWN - Obituary

A. W. Brown

The East Liverpool Tribune


Publisher of New Cumberland Independent Succumbs to Attack of Bright's Disease

A. W. Brown, founder, editor and publisher of the New Cumberland Independent, died at his home there at 11:45 a.m. yesterday, (May 16, 1906) of Bright's disease, aged 51 years. The deceased had long been a suffer from the disease which caused his death.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown returned Tuesday from a visit with their daughter, Miss Lucy, who is a student in the West Virginia university at Morgantown. In the afternoon he lay down to rest and falling into a stupor remained unconscious to the end. His son, R.E. Brown, prosecuting attorney of Hancock county, was the only member of the family present at the time of his death.

The funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Brown was born November 24, 1855, at Weellsburg<sis>, Brooke county, W.Va., and began his newspaper career in that city. Early in 1875 he removed to Hancock county and became the editor of the Panhandle News. Later he established the first paper published at Fairview.

In 1876 he removed to New Cumberland and established the Independent. He was an upright, honorable citizen and a life long Republican. He was for a number of years one of the circuit court commissioners, and was clerk of the senate during the last session of the legislature.

Mr. Brown was twice married, his first wife, having been Miss Mary Morrow, who died several years ago. The two surviving children, Robert E. and Lucy, were born of this union.

The second wife of the deceased, who survives was Miss Ola Moore, daughter of Abram Moore, of Lisbon. A sister, Mrs. Cora D. Crawford, also survives. The deceases was a brother-in-law of Mrs. H. A. Keffer, of Chester.


Frederick Hulse

The East Liverpool Tribune

Frederick Hulse died Friday evening at his home in Avondale street. He was a native of Wales and was 44 years old. He came to this country 24 years ago and until eight years ago had lived at Trenton, N. J. His death was due to a complication of disease. He had been employed as a kilnhand at the K. T. & K. pottery.


Louis Densmore

The East Liverpool Tribune


The funeral of Louis, the one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Densmore, of Trentvale street, was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at St. Aloysius church. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery.


Robert T. Cooper

The East Liverpool Tribune

Word had been received here of the death of Robert T. Cooper, a veteran of the civil war, and a brother of the Rev. J. H. Cooper of this city, which occurred last Tuesday (may 15, 1906) at his late home in Tallapoosa, Ga., to which place he removed from Ohio seventeen years ago.


Bartholomew Sullivan

The East Liverpool Tribune

Bartholomew O. Sullivan, aged 27, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. F. Anderson, corner of Seventh and Monroe streets, at 10:15 Friday evening (May 18, 1906), of spinal meningitis, after an illness of three weeks. The deceased was night foreman at the power house of the East Liverpool Traction and Light company, and is survived by his mother in Ireland. He was a member of the Street Railwaymen's union, and the members of that body will attend the funeral services which are to be held at S. Aloysius church this morning at 9 o'clock, in a body. The motormen and conductors wore a badge of mourning yesterday in memory of the deceased.

Mr. Sullivan had charge of the night barn for the street railway company in Wellsville for a couple of years and was known in both cities. He had lived here about seven years.

MRS. JOHN SCOTT - Obituary

Mrs. John Scott

The East Liverpool Tribune


The funeral of Mrs. John Scott, who died Friday evening (May 18, 1906) at her home, 444 Lisbon street, was held yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, the Rev. Edward McMillin officiating. The remains were taken to Phoenixville, Chester county, Pa., on the evening train where interment will take place today. The deceased was 36 years old and was very highly respected.


Daniel Rollins

The East Liverpool Tribune


Left East Liverpool Six Weeks Ago To Make His Home on the Coast


A message was received in the city last night from Los Angeles, Cal., announcing the death in that city of Daniel W. Rollins, a former resident of East Liverpool, which occurred Wednesday morning (May 9, 1906) folowing<sis> a brief illness of typhoid fever. Mr. Rollins and his wife went to Los Angeles about six weeks ago, and the former had not settled down to work when stricken with the dread disease which caused his death.

The deceased was aged about 47, and is survived by his wife and one son Ray, the latter residing in this city. Mr. Rollins was a member of Crockery City court, Tribe of Ben Hur, and the first news of his death came in the telegram which was received by Dr. W. A. Bean, one of the officers of that organization.

Dr. Bean stated last night that the lodge would communicate with bereaved wife this morning and have the remains brought back to East Liverpool at the lodge's expense. Mr. Rollins had been a member of Crockery City court since 1901, and was held in the highest esteem by its officers and members and ll those who knew him.

The announcement of his death was learned with deep regret for this place had been his home for a number of years. Previous to his departure for the west Mr. Rollins had been employed at the Golding Flint mill in West End in the capacity of a millwright. He resided at 113 Grant street, and held a card in the carpenters' union.


Fred Farnsworth

The East Liverpool Tribune


Frederick Farnsworth Removed to City Hospital After Tetanus Had Fully Developed


Frederick Farnsworth, aged 10 years, son of Isaac Farnsworth, living in a boathouse at the foot of Monroe street, was received a the City hospital at noon yesterday suffering from an acute attack of lockjaw, which caused death at 8:30 last night after several hours of terrible suffering.

The lad stepped on a rusty nail about a week ago which pierced the ball of his right foot, causing a painful wound. Local remedies were applied to the injury by the family, but the boy grew worse, symptoms of tetanus developing three days after the accident.

It appears that not until after the jaws of the boy had become firmly set and he was unable to partake of any nourishment did the family realize the seriousness of his condition and summon a physician.

Dr. J. Howard Davis visited the boy Friday evening and found him suffering greatly. Upon the physician's instructions he was removed to the city hospital.

Dr. Hobbs was called into consultation in the case, but their efforts availed for nothing. After writhing in convulsions for several hours, death came as a merciful relief to his sufferings.

Had the lad received the proper medical attention when the accident occurred it is probable that his life might have been saved.

The body was taken in charge by Undertake Miller, who will have charge of the funeral.


The funeral of Fred Farnsworth, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Farnsworth, who died of lockjaw Friday night (May 4, 1906), was held yesterday afternoon at the Broadway mission. Interment will be made in Spring Grove cemetery. The funeral was largely attended.


Louis Wachtler

The East Liverpool Tribune

Louis, the 10-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wachtler, of Palissey street, East End, who died at 1 o'clock Saturday morning (Apr. 29, 1906) after a brief illness of pneumonia, was buried yesterday afternoon in the Spring Grove cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. G. Reinzrtz of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church.


Mrs. Martha Testal

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Martha Testal, aged 65, died at 7 o'clock Saturday night (Apr. 28, 1906) at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Howe, in Trendvale street, of hear trouble. She had been in failing health for some time. The deceased was born in England but came to this country a number of years ago. She was a member of the St. Stephen's Episcopal church and the funeral services will be held a the church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rector Robert Kell officiating. Interment will occur later at Riverview.

Mrs. Testal was very well known and the many friends were pained to learn of her death. Since her arrival in this country she had made her home with Mr. And Mrs. Charles Howe, the latter being the only local surviving relatives.

IDA BETZ - Obituary

Miss Ida Betz

The East Liverpool Tribune

The death of Miss Ida E. Betz, aged 29 years, occurred Saturday afternoon(Apr. 28, 1906) at 1:20 o'clock at the home of Elmer Ralston in St. George street from injuries received while she was at work in Laughlin pottery No. 2, and from which she had been suffering the past month. Two weeks ago she was operated on and an improvement in her condition was noted until Friday when she was taken seriously ill, her death following Saturday.

The home of Miss Betz was in Canton but she has been employed at the Laughlin pottery for the past four years. Her brothers, William and Frank, of Canton, arrived at her bedside just an hour before she passed away. The former is a member of the Canton fire department and is known to a number in this city.

Funeral services were held at the Ralston home yesterday afternoon, the Rev. S. H. Peregoy of the Erie Street Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The body will be taken to Canton this morning and upon arrival there will be removed to the home of Mrs. J. R. Stambaugh, an aunt of the deceased, living in High street. Services will be held at the Stambaugh residence Tuesday and remains will be laid to rest in the West Lawn cemetery.


Miss Bessie Caywood

The East Liverpool Tribune

Miss Bessie Caywood, aged 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Caywood, died at 11 o'clock Sunday night (Apr. 29, 1906) at the home of her parents in Calcutta, of a complication of diseases following an attack of measles. She had been ill but a week, and her death came as a great shock to her relatives and friends.

The deceased had been a member of the Long's Run Presbyterian church for a number of years and was seldom absent from church services. She was loved by all who knew her. She is survived by her parents and one brother.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Long's Run Presbyterian church and will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Bryson. Interment will be made in the church cemetery.


Samuel Cornell

The East Liverpool Tribune


Passes away at Sister's Home After A Lingering Illness

Samuel F. Cornell, aged 54, died Sunday Morning (Apr. 29, 1906) at 8:30 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. Congrove, of the Bunting farm, of tuberculosis after a lingering illness. He was born on a farm near Clarksburg, W. Va., and came to Wellsville about 15 years ago. He followed the river for a number of years as an engineer and was well know up and down the Ohio Valley.

He is survived by his wife and two children, Mrs. Fred Irwin, of Columbus, and Van Cornell, of this city. Three sisters, Mrs. Frank Wells, of Oklahomo<sis>, Miss Ora Cornell and Mrs. Congrove, of Wellsville, and one brother, R. W. Cornell, of Meigs county, also survive.

The funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the home of the siser, the Rev. A. Vandersall of the Evangelical Lutheran church, assisted by the Rev. C. H. Beck of the First Methodist Protestant church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Riverview cemetery at East Liverpool.


Mrs. Sarah Washington

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Sarah Washington, widow of the late John Washington, died yesterday morning (Apr. 25, 1906) at 11 o'clock at her home in St. John street, after an illness of about two weeks. She had been a resident of this city for the past 16 years and was well known and highly esteemed. She was in her 75th year and is survived by one son and three daughters as follows: Fred Lucy, of Parkersburg, W. Va.; Mrs. Lucile Monroe, of Parkersburg; Mrs. Maggie Jones, of Allegheny, and Mrs. Violet Allen Gray, of this city. She was a member of the African Methodist Episcopal church and for many years had been active in church work.

The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence, The Rev. Mr. Collins, pastor of the A. M. E. church, officiating. Interment will be made in Spring Grove cemetery.


Mrs. Gertrude Smith

Harvey Smith

The East Liverpool Tribune

April 24, 1906


Victims of Williamsport Tragedy Were Buried Yesterday

The double funeral of Mrs. Gertrude Smith, and her brother-in-law, Harvey Smith, was held at the Smith home near Williamsport, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the presence of a large crowd of people attracted there by a morbid curiosity.

The services were conducted by the Rev. W. H. Clark, of Calcutta, and he closed his oration with expressions of heartfelt sympathy for the unfortunate husband and brother..

The bodies were interred in the Clarkson cemetery. The funeral was attended by the parents of the bereaved husband and by a sister of the murdered woman.


Mrs. Martha Runion

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Martha Runion, aged 57, wife of Joseph Eunion, died at 10 o'clock last night (Apr. 27, 1906) at her home in lower Market street, after an illness of six weeks of jaundice. She is survive by her husband and four children, Edward of Chester, W. Va., Mrs. E. S. Reynolds, of East End, and Bert and David, living at home. The remains will be taken to Meigs county tonight for burial. The deceased is survived by several brothers and sisters. She was a member of the Salvation Army and was respected and esteemed by all those who knew her.


A. H. Atkinson

The East Liverpool Tribune

A. H. Atkinson died at 6 o'clock yesterday morning (Jun. 14, 1906) at his home in Seventh street. He was 23 years old and is survived by a wife and one child. The body will be taken to Arbuckle, W. Va., today for burial.


Miss Charity Greer

The East Liverpool Tribune


Passes Away While Engaged in Conversation With Mrs. Clark Moore

Miss Charity Greer, aged 62, died suddenly at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon of heart trouble at the home of Clark Moore in Avondale street. She was seated in a large rocking chair and had just finished replying to Mrs. Moore, who inquired how she was feeling, when she suddenly leaned forward and in a few minutes was dead.

Mrs. Greer had not been feeling well for sometime, but since Sunday her condition seemed to have greatly improved and the hopes of the family had been raised.

The deceased had been a member of the Longs Run Presbyterian church since childhood and had lived a consistent Christian life. She possessed a sweet disposition and was beloved and esteemed by all those who knew her. The news of her sudden demise was learned with deep regret by the many friends.

Miss Greer was taken into the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fisher at the age of seven and remained with them until nine years ago when the old home was broken up.

Since that time she had been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moore and family, where her aged foster mother, the late Mrs. Fisher, died 15 years ago.

The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sorrow. The funeral services will be held from the Clark Moore residence tomorrow at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. N. Swan or the Rev. Mr. Bryson, of Calcutta officiating. Burial will be made in Riverview cemetery.

ELLA M. GASTON - Obituary

Mrs. Ella M. Gaston

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Ella M. Gaston, aged 43 years, passed away at her home in Fifth street, at 2:45 o'clock yesterday morning (April 23, 1906) of typhoid fever. She was the wife of William S. Gaston, who together with two children, Bessie aged 16, and Emma, aged 13, survive her. Her near relatives are her mother, Rachel S. Wilson, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. J. F. Billingsley, Jennie M. Wilson and Margaret Wilson, William T. Wilson, A. D. Wilson and Emmet L. Wilson, all of this city, and Robert B. Wilson, of Akron.

Funeral services will be at her late home at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Taggart officiating. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Martin Christian

The East Liverpool Tribune

The death of Martin L. Christian, of Center avenue, Wellsville, occurred yesterday morning (April 23, 1906) at 8 o'clock in the city hospital where he had been for three weeks undergoing treatment for appendicitis. He was 26 years of age and was an employee of the C & P shops. He is survived by his wife. Funeral services were conducted a the home of George Fiber in Arthur street, Wellsville, at 7 o'clock last evening after which the remains were shipped to Sistersville, W. Va., for interment.


Charles McDowell

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. A. S. Young of Pennsylvania avenue, received a telegram yesterday announcing the sudden death of her brother, Charles McDowell, aged 38, at Buffalo, N. Y. The message did not give any details of the death. Mrs. Young left yesterday to attend the funeral which will be held today or tomorrow. The deceased had been engaged in business at Buffalo for a number of years and was single.


Edward Scott

The East Liverpool Tribune

Edward Scott, aged 57, died about midnight at his home in the Klondike East End, of heart trouble and a complication of diseases. He had been confined to his bed for several months. He was a native of Pleton, Canada, and the remains will be taken to Toronto for burial.

Short services will be held at the home this evening, conducted by the Rev. M. A. Eakin, of the Second United Presbyterian church, and Penova lodge of Odd Fellows.

The deceased was a member of the Second United Presbyterian church and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He is survived by his wife and two brothers, the latter residing in Pleton, Can.


Arthur Menough

The East Liverpool Tribune


To Arthur Menough, Prominent Resident of City

Arthur Menough, aged 35 years, died suddenly Sunday evening (Apr. 8, 1906) at 5 o'clock of biabetes<sic> with which he had suffered the past three years. He was born in Wellsville, graduated from the Ohio State University as a mining engineer and worked several years in the west, being located in Cacutocas, Mexico. From the latter place he returned to Wellsville five years ago and engaged in the foundry business with his father, George Menough.

The deceased was widely known and was very popular with a large number of friends. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Relatives surviving him are his wife and son, Phillip, three years old; his father and two brothers, Harry of Wellsville, and Paul of Cornell university.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. by the Rev. W. H. Day assisted by the Rev. F. D. Findley.

MRS. NANCY PUGH - Obituary

Mrs. Nancy Pugh

The East Liverpool Tribune


The funeral of the last Mrs. Nancy Pugh, the aged mother of Hon. Peter, A. Pugh, will be held at 10 a.m. today from the First Presbyterian church, Fairview, the Rev. Mr. Cowan pastor of that church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Fairview cemetery. Mrs. George A. Spivey, of Pittsburg, daughter of the deceased, with her husband, arrived yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral.


John Bucheit

The East Liverpool Tribune

John Bucheit, aged 53 years, born and raised in East Liverpool, died Saturday evening (April 7, 1906) at 9 o'clock at his home in Akron, Ohio, death being due to liver trouble. The remains will be brought here this evening and funeral services held at St. Aloysius church probably Wednesday.

Mr. Bucheit had been a resident of Akron for about two years, having moved there from this city.

The deceased was a half brother of Robert Irwin, of Calcutta street, this city, and is survived by the following children:: Edward, Joseph, Henry and David, all of Akron, and Mrs. Maud Pilgrim, of Sugar street, this city.

REV. W. J. COOPER - Obituary

The Rev. W. J. Cooper

The East Liverpool Tribune

The Rev. W. J. Cooper, of New Wilmington, Pa., brother-in-law of John W. Hall, of this city, died at an early hour yesterday morning (April 2, 1906) at his home, of general debility, after an illness covering a period of three years.

The deceased was a well known divine of the United Presbyterian church. He was 63 years of age, and owing to continued illness was compelled to resign his chard at New Wilmington about six months ago.

Rev. Mr. Cooper served three years fighting for the union cause in the war of the rebellion, part of the time as a member of the 140th Pennsylvania regiment. Afterwards he joined a battery.

He is survived by his wife, who was Cynthia J. Swaney, of Hookstown, Pa., the only sister of Mrs. John W. Hall, of this city, and three sons, the Rev. John W. Cooper, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Meadville, Pa.; the Rev. Robert J. Cooper, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, Seattle, Wash.; and James S. Cooper, at home. A brother of the deceased, Henry Cooper, resides in Beaver Falls, Ps.

The funeral will be held a 4 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence in New Wilmington, and the remains will be brought to this city on the 10:30 train Wednesday morning and taken direct to Mill Creek cemetery, Hancock county, west Virginia, for burial. The relatives and friends of the deceased residing in this city, Hancock county, W. Va., and in the neighborhood of Hookstown, Pa., will join the funeral party here.

MARY SMITH - Obituary

Mrs. Mary Smith

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Mary Smith, an inmate of the county infirmary, died yesterday morning (Mar 25, 1906), and will be buried today. The deceasesd was 80 years of age. The only known relative of the deceased is a son, who lived with her in Chester for a time and then left her in poverty. His present whereabout <sis>is unknown.


Herbert Springer

The East Liverpool Tribune

Herbert Springer, aged 25, died at 7:15 last night at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Long, 210 Pine street, after a brief illness. The deceased was a potter by trade and was a native of Pomeroy, O. He is survived by two sisters. The funeral arrangements had not been made last night, but the remains may be taken to Pomeroy, the young man's former home for burial.

PETER Y. BROWN - Obituary

Peter Y. Brown

The East Liverpool Tribune

Peter Y. Brown, of Achor, this county, died Saturday morning (April &, 1906) from an intestinal growth, after a long illness. The deceased was 72 years old, and was born and reared on the farm where he died. He never married and is survived by a brother, the Rev. Dr. William Y. Brown, pastor of a Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, the last of a family of ten children. Mr. Brown was a prosperous farmer, and known as a breeder of fine cattle. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. today from the Baptist church at Achor, the Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Beaver Falls, Pa., former pastor of that church, officiating.

A. G. GLENN - Obituary

A. G. Glenn

The East Liverpool Tribune

A. G. Glenn, age 56 years, of 151 Vine street, died at city hospital yesterday morning (April 9, 1906) at 11 o'clock of cancer of the stomach after an illness of about three weeks.

Mr. Glenn was born near Cannon's Mill, where he followed the vocation of farmer until 1881, when he moved to Iowa. After a residence of ten years in that state he returned to his former home and came to this city about a year ago. Deceased was a member of the First Christian church. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Martha Glenn, and three children, Misses Gertrude and Eugenia, and F. O. Glenn.

Funeral services will be held at the family residence Wednesday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon conducted by the Rev. E. P. Wise. Interment will be in the Township Line cemetery.


Elihu McGaffick

East Liverpool Tribune


Elihu McGaffick Falls Over Embankment and Freeses to Death During Night


Special to the Tribune,

Empire, March 18—The lifeless body of Elihu McGaffick, for many years a resident of this place, was found at 6 o'clock this morning on the river bank in the upper end of the town. The body was lying in a snow bank into which he had evidently fallen from the embankment above a distance of about ten feet.

Coroner Campbell was called and took the deposition of a number of persons. He did not render a verdict before leaving town. McGaffick had been drinking hard for several days and it is the opinion of those who had seen him Saturday night that in his wanderings he had fallen over the embankment and being unable to get up froze to death during the night.

McGaffick was about 45 years old and was a butcher by trade. He has one brother, Andrew, residing in Salineville. He was a brother of G. W. McGaffick, whose death occurred four weeks ago.

The funeral will be held from the home of Edward McGaffick, in Toronto, to which place the body was taken today, tomorrow afternoon.


Clara Daugherty, infant

East Liverpool Tribune

The two-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty, of Washington County, Pa., died yesterday afternoon (Mar 26, 1906) at the home of Mrs. Clara Edgell, in Second street, where the parent have been visiting a short time. Infantile trouble was the cause. The remains will likely be taken to Washington county for burial.

Clara Dougherty

The funeral of Clara, the two-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Daugherty, who died Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs.. Clara Edgell, Second street will be held at the Edgell home this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Phillip Mason Grosscross

The East Liverpool Tribune

Death yesterday (Mar 21, 1906) claimed Philip Mason Grosscross, aged 82, one of East Liverpool's well known citizens, who passed away at his home, corner of Seventh and West Market streets, from infirmaties<sic> incident to old age. The end came at 4:40 in the morning. The funeral arrangements had not been completed last night, bu the services will probably be held Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Grosscross was a native of Beaver county, Pa., and removed to East Liverpool in 1808. He was an ardent Republican in politics and served several terms as township trustee. He was a carpenter by trade and for many years conducted a shop at the rear of his residence. He was an upright citizen and enjoyed the esteem of many.

He is survived by his wife and the following children: J. F. Grosscross, Mrs. Jennie Nichols, Miss Anna and Harry Grosscross, of Derry, Pa. He is also survived by three brothers and two sisters as follow: J. S. Grosscross, sheriff of Beaver county; Isaac and James Gosscross of Black Hawk, Pa., and Misses Nancy and Mary Grosscross, of New Brighton.


John Blackmore

The East Liverpool Tribune

John Blackmore, aged 45, died at the Taylor hospital yesterday morning (Mar. 30, 1906) of uraemic<sis> poisoning after an illness of only four days. An operation was performed on Wednesday by Drs. Hobbs, Davis, Laughlin and Taylor, and the patient was apparently convalescing, when the collapse came.

Mr. Blackmore was on the streets last Sunday and the suddenness of his illness ands subsequent death, was a deep shock to his many friends. Mr. Blackmore resided at Hookstown, but when taken sick he was stopping at the Albion house.

The remains will be taken to Hookstown today where funeral services and burial will occur from his late home Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The deceased is survived by a wife and the following children: Mrs. Bert McCoy and Mrs. J. Howard Davis, of this city; Mary, Thomas, Catherine and Ella Blackmore at home.

MARY FISHER - Obituary

Mrs. Mary Fisher

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Mary Fisher died at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning (Apr. 10, 1906) at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clark Moore, in Avondale street, from the infirmities of old age, being in her 88th year. She was the wife of Samuel Fisher, who preceded her in death 26 years ago. She was the mother of eight children, four of whom survive as follows; Mrs. Clark Moore, Avondale street; Henry and A. J. Fisher, Calcutta street; Jefferson Fisher, of Crafton, Pa.

Mrs. Fisher's maiden name was Richardson. She was born and raised on a farm on which is now located the town of Negley. Her parents were of Quaker descent and she attended the Quaker church in her childhood day. In 1835 she was united in marriage to Samuel Fisher, and for a number of years they resided on the farm now known as "Home Land" of this city.

Early in life she became a member of the Long Run Presbyterian church and when her health would permit she was a regular attendant upon divine services. She was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her.

The funeral services will be held at the home of the daughter in Avondale street tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock the Rev. J. N. Swan the venerable Presbyterian minister, being in charge. Interment will be made in Riverview Cemetery.


Mrs. Bertha Chambers

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Bertha Chambers, of Lisbon, died yesterday afternoon (Mar. 30, 1906) at the city hospital, after an illness of over four weeks, from a complication of diseases. She was aged 22, and is survived by a husband and three children. The remains were taken to Lisbon on the afternoon train. Mrs. Chambers had lived apart from her husband and family since last September, making her home in this city. The husband took charge of the remains and will arrange for the funeral.


Robert Spence

The East Liverpool Tribune

Robert Spence, aged 70 years, died yesterday afternoon (Mar. 30, 1906) at his home in Globe street, East End, after a lingering illness of dropsy and heart trouble. He was born in Carroll county and had been a resident of this city about six years.

The remains will be taken to Mechanicstown Monday morning, where funeral and interment will occur. Up until the time of his illness he had worked as a lather. For one of his years he was unusually active, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was a member of the Second United Presbyterian church. He is survived by four children. Fireman John Spence of the East End station being a son.


Mrs. Adallia Herbert

The East Liverpool Tribune


Well Known East End Woman Succumbs After an Illness of Three Weeks

Mrs. Adallia Herbert, wife of John Herbert, died a few minutes before midnight (Mar. 27, 1906) at her home, 105 Maple Tree street, of pneumonia, after an illness of over three weeks. Her condition had been critical since Sunday, and the end while a deep shock to the family and friends was not unexpected. She was 65 years old. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Mrs. Herbert had resided in East End for a number of years and was very well known. She was a member of the Second Presbyterian church and took an active interest in all religious work. She was greatly devoted to her husband and family, and it is among her own kin that her departure will be most deeply felt.

Mrs. Herbert was taken ill three weeks ago last Sunday with a slight attack of grip which developed pneumonia. Physicians were in attendance constantly and did everything within their power to save her life. Sunday she has several sinking spells which exhausted the lingering spark of vitality, and it was announced then by the physicians that death might occur at any moment.

Mrs. Herbert was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and was held in high esteem by its members. Mr. Herbert, the bereaved husband, is a well known Mason, and holds a responsible position at plant No. 3, of the Homer Laughlin China company.

Besides the husband, the following children survive; Porter, Lena, Harry, Edward, Mrs. Della McGee and Florence of this city, and Charles, of East Palestine. One brother Samuel Marker, of New Brownsville, Pa., and one sister, Mrs. Dora Mahi, of Shippensville, Pa., also survive.


Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, aged 69, died at her home in Washington avenue, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning (Mar. 21, 1906) of cancer of the stomach. She was born in England and came to Wellsville in 1870 with her husband, the late Thomas Harrison, who died sixteen years ago. The deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Alcott, of Orange, Mass., and Miss Hannah Arlidge, of Allegheny, Pa. Funeral services will be held at the home in Washington Avenue at seven o'clock this evening, and interment will be private at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon.


George Thompson

The East Liverpool Tribune

George Thompson died Sunday morning (Mar. 25, 1906) between 5 and 6 o'clock at his home on the road leading from Little Beaver Bridge to Calcutta. His death resulted from a second stroke of apoplexy, with which he was seized some time Saturday evening. He was stricken first about two years ago, from which he never fully recovered.

George Thompson was a decendant <sic> from the old time pioneer Thompson family that settled in and around Calcutta over 100 years ago. His father was William Thompson, a brother of the late Hon. Josiah Thompson, of this city. His father was drowned in the Little Beaver creek a number of years ago while engaged in washing sheep.

The deceased was born near Calcutta about 69 years ago. He has one living sister, Mrs. Richardson Fisher, who resided until recently near Ohioville, Beaver county, Pa.

Mr. Thompson married Ruth A. Dixon, about 1866, his wife being a sister of Samuel and Harry Dixon, of East End, this city. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Thompson went to housekeeping near Calcutta on what was known as the George Thompson farm. About 30 years ago he bought the farm and built the home where he died. He leaves two sons, William Clark Thompson and G. Howard Thompson, both of whom are living at home.

The deceased has been a member as well as one of the elders of Long Run Presbyterian church for many years.

An announcement of the death of Mr. Thompson was received in the East End yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dixon and they immediately went out to the sorrow stricken home. Interment will be made in Long Run cemetery. The funeral services will be held in Long Run Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning.


George W. Rinestine

The East Liverpool Tribune


Funeral services over the remains of George W. Rinestine, who died Friday afternoon (Mar. 23, 1906) at Dixmont, Pa., will be held at the home of a son, Charles Rinestine, Ravine and Vine street, at half past one o'clock this afternoon. Services will also be held in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church at two o'clock. The Rev. L. G. Reinartz will officiate at both.

The deceased was 60 years of age at the time of his death. Three years ago he moved from this city to Beaver county. He was a carpenter by trade and was well and favorably known. Mr. Rinestine is survived by his aged mother and his wife and two children, Charles Rinestine, of this city , and Mrs. Charles McKinney, of Chester. One brother, William Rinestine, of Pittsburg, and two sisters, Mrs. E. G. Stouffer and Mrs. E. D. O'Donnell, of Westmoreland county, Pa., also survive.


Mrs. Henrietta Bevington

The East Liverpool Tribune


Mrs. Henrietta Bevington Met a Tragic Death

Eagerness to Learn of Fire Caused Accident

She Leaned Out Over Banister, Lost Balance and Plunged to the Pavement Below

Mrs. Henrietta Bevington, aged 23, wife of Geo. Bevington, property man of the Ceramic theater, fell 14 feet from a porch at her home, 152 Second street, about 5:30 o'clock Saturday evening (Mar. 24, 1906), alighting on her head and sustaining injuries that cause death two hours later. She never regained consciousness after the fall.

Quite a number of persons witnessed the young woman's tragic death. John Grafton and Pete Zoellers picked the unconscious woman up and carried her to the Taylor hospital where she was attended by Dr. Taylor, the h0spital surgeon, and D. J. Howard Davis.

The physicians administered heart stimulants and attempted to stop the cerebral hemorrhages, but their efforts were unsuccessful. The patient died without a sound escaping her lips. At her bedside in the private room when the end came were the bereaved husband and other close relatives.

Her heavy head of hair probably prevented the skull being fractured. Although every effort was made by the physicians to prolong life, they realized that death could not be averted. The young husband is heartbroken overt the tragic affair. They had been married only two years and had lived very happily together.

Mrs. Bevington was the only daughter of Mrs. Gilmore, who lives a short distance from the home of her daughter. The mother was called to Dubois, Pa., three weeks ago to nurse a child of her sister which fell from a three story building. She was telegraphed for Saturday night and arrived here on the midnight train.

Mr. Bevington occupied with his wife rooms on the second floor of the Wilkinson property, which is situated between the east Liverpool drug company's store and the Tal McCain saloon. A small porch with a three foot banister is on the front of the building and it was over this banister that the woman fell.

The accident happened just at the time the fire bell sounded. Mrs. Bevington heard the alarm and stepped out on the porch to learn where the fire was. She saw two boys hurrying by and leaned over the banister to hail them. This act cost her her life for she lost her balance and fell to the pavement below.

It was not until a half hour later when Mr. Bevington came home for his supper, that he learned of the frightful accident to his wife. Friends had made an effort to locate him but he could not be found. Bevington hurried to the hospital and remained at his wife's bedside until she died.

The body was removed from the hospital to the home of Mr. Bevington's sister, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, 149 Ridgeway avenue. The funeral arrangements had not been completed last night.

Mrs. Bevington was very well known and her sudden death was greatly deplored by her many friends. The bereaved husband is a son of mailcarrier Bevington, and he has the sympathy of the entire community in his deep sorry.