Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hancock County Births Updated

Births for surnames that begin with S from 1853 to 1883 have been uploaded. You will find the link under Hancock County Resources and then Hancock County Vital Records.

Happy Searching,

GEORGE L. SMITH - Obituary

Smith, George L.

The East Liverpool Tribune


Succumbs to an Attack of Heart Trouble

Began to Fail in Health Last January.

As Salesman For K. T. & K. He Was Known to Trade Throughout Whole Country.

George L. Smith, for a third of a century traveling salesman for the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Pottery company, died yesterday morning (May 21, 1906) at half past nine o'clock a the Battle Creek, Mich., sanitarium. His brother, Thomas C. Smith and his sister, Mrs. Jennie L. Bloor, were with him at the time of his death.

The time of the funeral has not yet been set. The body will be brought to the city Wednesday morning. It will be met at Pittsburg by Joseph G. Lee, Hal N. Harker and others. The remains will be taken from the train at East End and then removed to his late home in Ohio avenue.

The first intelligence received in the city of Mr. Smith's death was conveyed in a message to Hal. N. Harker from T. C. Smith. Mr. Harker at once notified the members of the family and the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Co. The news came as a great shock to the many fiends of the deceased in this city.

After the receipt of the telegram telling of his death, his sister, Miss Mary, principal of the Sixth street school received a letter from her sister, Mrs. Bloor, written on Sunday, which stated that George was very much better on Saturday and had recently been wheeled in a chair down town from the sanitarium. While down town he purchased a cane and walked part way back.

There must have been a sudden change for worse, although up to 9 o'clock last night the family had not received the details concerning his sudden death.

It is understood that death was caused by organic heart trouble, from which he had been a sufferer since January, at which time he was taken suddenly ill while attending a meeting of the East Liverpool potters.

About the first of February he went to New Mexico for the benefit of his health, coming from there to Battle Creek about the middle of April.

About two weeks ago members of his family were notified of his serious illness and his brother Thomas at once went to his bedside. A week ago Saturday his sister, Mrs. Bloor, was also called to Battle Creek. From letters that have been received he very much desired to gain enough strength to make the trip home. It is said that he seemed to realize that his days were numbered, and he wished to spend the rest of them at his home in East Liverpool.

George L. Smith was born June ? 1850, on his father's farm at Cannon's Mills. In 1858 the family moved to East Liverpool. Mr. Smith's education was obtained in the public schools of this city. It was practical, and was the foundation of a most successful business career. He was the son of John and Ruth Smith. His father for many years conducted the grocery at the foot of Broadway where the National House is now located.

The home of the deceased was in the brick building on Railroad street just across Apple alley. He lived there for more than 45 years, until he moved to his new home in East End. His father died in 1879 when George practically assumed the support and maintenance of the family. He took his father's place as a provider. It was his privilege to give the best days of his life for the care and support of his mother and sisters.

Five members of the family are living, Mrs. Matilda Hamble, Miss Mary A. Smith, Mrs. Susan Huston, wife of M. M. Huston, Thomas C. Smith, of the E. M. Knowles Pottery Co., and Mrs. Virginia L. Bloor, all of whom reside in this city.

In his boyhood days George Smith clerked in his father's grocery store. About 1868 he took the management of a general store for Pearce brothers, at Sharpsburg, Pa. Afterwards he traveled for a Philadelphia wholesale house. About 1872 or perhaps earlier, he was engaged to travel and sell white ware for the firm of Knowles, Taylor & Knowles, and from that day until the first of the present year he was most actively engaged in marketing the good made at this potery<sic>. He traveled for this firm for over thirty years, and visited every state in the Union in he interests of K. T. & K.

Col. John an. Taylor, president of the company, has been in New York City for several days, and an endeavor was made last evening to reach him by wire, to inform him of Mr. Smith's death.

Mr. Smith was a member of the First Presbyterian church of this city, having united in his early youth. He was a consistent Christian. The only organization with which he is known to have been connected is the Cosmopolita club, of which he was president.

George Smith was an East Liverpool boy who carved out his own career. He enjoyed the esteem and friendship of the entire community and in his death East Liverpool suffers the loss of one of its best citizens. No mother ever had a more devoted son. No sister ever had a brother of whom she could be more proud. The story of his life is worthy of emulation.

George Goodwin, president of the Goodwin Pottery company, paid a very fitting eulogy to the character of Mr. Smith. He said:

" I never knew him to do anything mean and I have known him to do great deal of good. Sunshine was the essence of his nature. He was a man among men. I never knew him to complain. He met every duty that came to him without a murmur or complaint of any kind. East Liverpool never had a better citizen than George Smith. He always remained loyal to East Liverpool notwithstanding he fact that he traveled a great deal. He took an interest in anything city's interest at heart at all times.

" I have known Mr. Smith since he first came to East Liverpool in 1858. He was in the employ of our firm for a short time prior to accepting his position with the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles company.


Pollock, James

The East Liverpool Tribune


Passes Away in New York as Result of Operation

Word was received lat last evening (Aug. 17, 1906) of the death of James Pollock, son of Mrs. Mary A. Pollock, of 113 East Fourth street, which occurred at 8 o'clock Friday evening at New York city. The body will be brought to the city today.

The news of the young man's death came as a severe shock to the family and friends. Death followed an operation which had been performed a few days ago, the exact nature of which was not stated in the message.

Mr. Pollock is survived by a wife, his mother, several brothers and a sister. He had been located in the east for some time, but frequently visited at his home in this city.


The funeral of James Pollock, whose death was announced in these columns Saturday morning, will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the home of his mother, 113 East Fourth street. The Rev. Dr. T. W. Lane, pastor of the First M. E. church, will have charge of the services and burial will be at Riverview.

The remains arrived from New York on the 10 o'clock train Sunday morning. They were accompanied by Mrs. Pollock and daughter, Oscar Weikert, an intimate friend of the deceased, and Mrs. Mary Pollock, who was at her son's bedside when the end came.

Mr. Pollock was a brother of Fred and Bert Pollock and Mrs. Frank Rigby. The deceased was aged 34 years and was very well known, this city having been his home for a number of years.


Murphy, Mrs. Sarah Jane

The East Liverpool Tribune


Succumbs To Attack Of Asthma From Which She Had Suffered For Years.


Mrs. Sarah Jane Murphy, wife of Thomas B. Murphy, died suddenly at 8 o'clock yesterday morning (Aug. 3, 1906) at the family residence, 208 West Fourth street. Death came while she was seated a the breakfast table and was due to a severe choking spell resulting from asthma with which she had been afflicted for the past 30 years.

The suddenness of her demise was a severe shock to the husband and children and to the numerous relatives and friends. She was 76 years old.

The arrangements for the funeral had not been completed last night although it is probable that the services will be held Monday. The Rev. Dr. T. W. Lane, of the First M. E. church, of which the deceased was a member, is out of the city on his vacation, but will likely return to conduct the funeral services.

Mrs. Murphy had been a consistent member of the Methodist church of over 50 years, and was always numbered as one of its strongest supporters and workers. Her cheerful disposition and kindly ways endeared her to all those who knew her.

The shock to the husband to whom she proved an especially true helpmate and supporter is almost more than he can bear, and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to him in his bereavement. They had been married over 54 years.

Mrs. Murphy's maiden name was Sarah Jane Coffin, and she was born in Brownsville, Pa. From the marriage there were born eight children, six of whom survive. The children are: Mrs. Ella Kober, Miss Ollie Murphy, eorge C.<sic> and Harry E. Murphy, of this city; Will S. Murphy, of Sebring, O.; Mrs. George Gilchrist, of Wheeling.

Announcement in regard to the funeral services will appear later.


Reynolds, Michael C.

The East Liverpool Tribune

Michael C. Reynolds, a potter living in Waterloo street, died Sunday (Aug. 19, 1906) of Bright's disease after a lingering illness. He was aged 39 years. The funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock at the Catholic church and burial will be made in the Catholic cemetery. Deceased is survived by his wife and four children.


Beatty, Raymond

The East Liverpool Tribune

Raymond, the seven-months-ld child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beatty, of 115 Sheridan avenue, died at 7 o'clock yesterday morning (July 23, 1906) of cholera infantum. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. today from the family residence. Interment will be in Riverview.


Wires, Mary Elizabeth

The East Liverpool Tribune


Physician Who Was Called Stated That Death Was Due to Convulsions


Mary Elizabeth Wires, aged 44, was found dead in her bedroom at 313 West Third street at 5:30 o'clock last evening (July 6, 1906) by her cousin, Miss Sadie Rardon, an employee of the Electrical Porcelain works East End, who boarded at the wires home.

She was lying on the floor, her tongue protruding from the mouth and her face was black. Death is presumed to have been due to convulsions. She was alone in the home when the attack occurred and is thought to have died an hour before being found.

She was seen around the house as late as 4 o'clock by neighbors and no struggling or cries were heard when she died. The daughter, Olive Wires said when she left home in the morning to go to her work in the East End, her mother complained of severe pains in the breast, but was able to perform her household duties.

Dr. W. A. Hobbs who was called to examine the woman stated that all indications pointed to convulsions as having been the cause of death.

Mrs. Wires and her daughter came here from Marietta several months ago and until a few weeks ago had resided on Broadway. She is survived by the daughter and three sisters and one brother as follows: Caroline Wires of Hockinport,<sic>, O.; Mrs. Evaline Rardon, of Marietta; John Bowen of burning Springs, W. Va.; Mrs. Martha Swift, of East Liverpool. Her mother, Rebecca Bowen, of Hockingport, also survives.

The funeral services will probably be held Sunday and burial will be in Riverview.


The East Liverpool Tribune

October 17, 1906


George Grater, Pioneer Resident of Columbiana County, While Driving to Postoffice in Buggy Falls From Seat and Expires Before Medical Aid Can Be Summoned


George Grater, one of the oldest residents of St. Clair township, is dead. About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon (October 17, 1906) he hooked up his driving horse and buggy and started to drive to Calcutta for his mail. When the horse reached the home of Thomas Caywood, the gate being wide open the animal entered. Mr. Grater's hat fell off by the wayside, which caused Mrs. Caywood to call her husband's attention to the fact that something was wrong with Mr. Grater.

As they rushed tot the side of the buggy, the old gentleman fell forward, partially on the dashboard. He gasped a couple of times and died in the buggy, about half past two o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Caywood tenderly lifted his body from the buggy and carried it into their home. They applied what local remedies that could be found at hand in endeavoring to restore Mr. Grater to consciousness.

Failing to do this Mr. Caywood hurriedly drove Mr. Grater's horse to Calcutta and returned with Dr. Fitzsimmons. The physician pronounced Mr. Grater dead, whereupon he returned to Calcutta and summoned Mr. Sturgis, an East Liverpool undertake, who arrived at Mr. Caywood's home about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The body was removed in the ambulance to his home. The few relatives living in the neighborhood were summoned, and most of them reached the Grater home about 5 o'clock last evening.

The nearest relatives are nieces, Misses Mary, Caroline and Ella Miller, daughters of the late Jacob Miller, and Mrs. Charles Gonzales, all of Calcutta, and Mrs. Martha St. Clair of this city.

George Grater was born in 1825 on the farm where he died, a the age of 81 years. He was probably the oldest resident of St. Clair township, and was certainly the oldest native born citizen. He was a son of George Grater Sr. His mother's maiden name was Susan Smith. She was a resident of St. Clair township. His father was a Frenchman, and came of an old French family. In France the name was spelt Gratier. His father fought under Napoleon Bonepart for years, and was one of the old Guard. When Napoleon was banished to St. Helena, George Gratier, Sr., came to America, and settled in St. Clair township. He married Susan Smith, and became the owner of what has since been known as the Grater farm, comprising several hundred acres of the very best land in St Clair township.

The deceased never married, and after the death of his father and mother became the owner of the Grater farm. He was the last of his family, and was probably the wealthiest man in St. Clair township.

David Figley, a neighbor, in speaking of the death of Mr. Grater, last evening said:

"St. Clair township has lost one of the oldest and best citizens. I have lived all the day of my life on the farm adjoining his. I knew his father before him, and have seen the old Frenchman at my father's home and at his own home hundreds of times. While George Grater, the deceased, was one of the old school gentlemen, and somewhat peculiar in his ways, yet if he was your friend, he was a good and true one."

For many years Mr. Grater has been a member of the Long Run Presbyterian church. He was one of the most liberal contributors to the support of the church and pastor, and was a great bible reader.

For nearly twenty years Mr. and Mrs. Caywood made their home with Mr. Grater. They had the care of his home, and were members of the some household. While in no wise related to Mr. Grater, many persons were of the opinion that they were members of his family. A few years ago Mr. Grater sold Mr. Caywood fifty acres of his farm, upon which Mr. Caywood erected a new home. It is strange that when death called Mr. Grater his horse should enter the open gate and take him to the door of Mr. and Mrs. Caywood.

The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Mr. Grater's late home. Interment will be made in the private burying ground on the Grater farm, where his father and mother and all of his brothers and sisters have been sleeping for many years. The services will be conducted by the Rev. F. J. Bryson, pastor of the church of which he was a member.

JOHN E. HUGHES - Obituary

Hughes, John E.

The East Liverpool Tribune


East End Structural Iron Worker Meets Instant Death at Midland

John E. Hughes, who made his home with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr.a nd Mrs. Harry M. Butler, 178 St. George street, was instantly killed yesterday morning (Feb. 21, 1907) while at work on a building at Midland.

Hr. Hughes was an iron worker and had been employed at Midland for some time. In some unknown manner he missed his footing and fell a distance of about 50 feet, slighting on his head, crushing his skull.

News of the accident was at once telephoned to Postmaster W. E. Baird, who in turn conveyed it to Mr. and Mrs. Butler. Mr. Butler, who is employed as a kiln fireman in one of the local potteries, was informed of his brother-in-law's death at once, but as he was unable to get away from his work just at the time, he made arrangements to have the body brought down on the evening train.

Mr. Hughes was 32 years of age and is survived by five sisters, Mrs. Nettie Arnold; of Locust street, East End, and Mrs. Harry M. Butler and Miss Viola Hughes, of St. George street, East End.

SADIE BURCH - Obituary

The East Liverpool Tribune


Mrs. Clyde Birch, Living Near Calcutta, Broods Over Ill Health and Takes Carbolic Acid in Presence of Little Sister-in-Law, Expiring Before Medical Aid Can be Secured.


Mrs. Sadie Birch, aged 18 years, wife of Clyde Birch, living near Calcutta, commited suicide Saturday afternoon (October 13, 1906) at half past four o'clock by drinking carbolic acid. Despondency caused by ill health is thought to have been the cause of her rash act.

During the day Mrs. Birch had apparently been in a cheerful mood. She was living at the home of her husband's mother, Mrs. Sarah Birch, and took the acid during the absence from the home of her mother-in-law and husband.

Mrs. Birch entered the room of her little sister-in-law, who in suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, and inquired where the bottle of carbolic acid was located.

Upon being informed she seized the bottle and poured it into a teacup, which she raised to her lips and swallowed the contents.

Then she turned to the little girl and said:

"Ruby, I drank that acid. I want you to give the baby to my mother."

Frightened by the woman's act the little girl sprang from her bed and ran down stairs and out of doors to where her mother was working in a field.

Almost breathless form her exertion and her weakened condition the little girl notivied her mother that Mrs. Birch has swallowed a bottle of carbolic acid. Mr. Birch, who was at work in an orchard nearby, was at once told of his wife's cat and he hurried to the house.

Upon summoning her mother the little girl started back for the house but was overcome on her way and fell in a dead faint upon the steps.

Mrs. Birch was found writhing on the floor. Dr. Fitzsimmons was immediately summoned by telephone and he arrived upon the scene about an hour later, at which time the unfortunate woman had been dead about 40 minutes.

Mrs. Birch was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith who live near Calcutta. Mr. Smith is employed a Martin Brozka's wagon shop in Second street.

She was married to Clyde Birch about a year ago and leaves a ten-weeks-old baby.

The funeral will be held this morning, the funeral party leaving the Birch home at 10 o'clock and the services being held at the Long Run Presbyterian church an hour later. Interment will be in the Long Run cemetery.

Mrs. Birch was a member of this church and the pall bearers will be young women who were members of the Sunday school class to which she belonged.


Hughes, Mrs. Bridget

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Bridget Hughes, mother of Albert S. Hughes, of this city, died Wednesday (October 31, 1906) at her home in Wheeling, W. Va., of hear disease. The funeral will be held at 8:30 Saturday morning form S. Joseph's Cathedral, Wheeling. Interment in Mt. Calvary cemetery.


Aycard/Acard, William

The East Liverpool Tribune

William Acard died yesterday morning (Oct. 31, 1906) at the county infirmary, after a short illness, aged 44 years. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Rinehart. The funeral will be held from the residence of Mrs. Charles Bowers, of 359 Lisbon street, a sister of the deceased, at 2 p.m. Friday. Interment will be made in Spring Grove cemetery. Mr. Acard is survived by three children. His wife died 19 years ago.


Funeral services over the remains of the late William Aycard will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence of Samuel P. Bowers, foster son of the deceased, 359 Lisbon. The Rev. Robert Kell, pastor of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, will be the officiating clergyman. The deceased is survived by two sisters, residing in Canada, and three adopted children, Samuel, William F. and Louisa J. Bowers, all of this city.

(October 31, 1906 Spring Grove)

CHARLES H. ROSE - Obituary

Rose, Charles

The East Liverpool Tribune



The funeral services over the remains of Fireman Charles H. Rose, will be held from the home of the father in Trentvale street at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon (Feb. 14, 1907).

The members of Garfield camp, No e. Sons of Veterans, will have charge of the services a the grave, after the religious services have been conducted by the Rev. T. W. Lane, who will also have charge at the house.

The pall bearers will be Bert Swartz and Thomas Bryan, of the fire department; Edward Baxter, a neighbor; W. D. Dawson and Harry Thompson, former members of an organization of which deceased was a member, and Edward E. Rosensteel, of the Sons of Veterans.

The members of the city police force headed by Mayor Blake and Chief Wyman will attend the funeral. A meeting of the members of the force was held yesterday afternoon and arrangements were made to be in attendance.

President A. C. Roe of the city council has also called for the members of the council as well as the officials under control of that body to attend the funeral.

During the passing of the funeral party form the home to the cemetery the bel at City hall will be tolled.

Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Hanlinbaugh, James

The East Liverpool Tribune


Former Resident Meets Death on Railroad Tracks in Allegheny.

James Hanlinbaugh, formerly of this city, but who for the past year has been living with his family in Allegheny, was killed while working in the Ft. Wayne railroad yards. His neck was broken.

Mr. Hanlinbaugh was walking between two tracks and was struck by a shifting engine. He died almost instantly. He was for many years a member of the Sons of Veterans and Crockery City Tent No. 131, Knights of the Maccabees, of this city.

(Published Oct. 20, 1906)

MRS. S. M. SINCLAIR - Obituary

Sinclair, Mrs. S. M.

The East Liverpool Tribune


Passed Away Yesterday at Home of Her Daughter

Mrs. S. M. Sinclair, well known and beloved by a large circle of friends, died at 12 o'clock yesterday (Jul, 5, 1906) at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma Croxall, Indiana avenue, after an illness of eight weeks.

The deceased was born August 18, 1842, at Cambridge, Guernsey county, Ohio. She is survived by five children, Fred and George Sinclair, of Chester, Charles Sinclair, Midland, Ohio, Mrs. Nellie Witle, Hanoverton, Ohio, and Mrs. Emma Croxall.

The funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Croxall at 8 o'clock this evening, at which time friends may view the remains. On Saturday morning the body will be taken to Hanoverton, Ohio, where services will be held in the Christian church at 1;30 o'clock, the Rev. C. N. Filson, Chester, officiating. Interment will be made in the Hanoverton cemetery.

Mrs. Sinclair had been a member of the Christian church for over forty years.

G. W. THOMPSON - Obituary

Thompson, G. W.

The East Liverpool Tribune


The funeral of the late G. W. Thompson, 535 Broadway, was held at 2: 30 yesterday afternoon ((July 10, 1906) from the family residence, the Rev. William Dye officiating. Interment was made in Springhill cemetery. The pallbearers were Frank Wilcoxen, Philip Fraser, John Eidenier, George Whitten, J. G. Stoakes and Homer Wells. The deceased was 70 years of age, and was for many years a traveling salesman, representing boot and shoe houses. His death was due to Bright's disease. Besides his wife he is survived by one son, Garfield Thompson.


Hansleman, Lewis

The East Liverpool Tribune

Died Yesterday at His Home in Riverside Avenue

Lewis E. Hansleman, aged 44, died at one o'clock yesterday morning (July 11, 1906) at his home in riverside avenue, of tuberculosis from which he had suffered for some time. He is survived by his widow, five brothers and one sister, as follows; John and Cyrus, of East Liverpool; Chester, of Cleveland; Harry, of Salineville; and Edward, of San Francisco; and Mrs. George Gamble, of East Liverpool.

Funeral services will be held at his late home Friday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by the Rev. W. C. Prewitt, pastor of the First Christian church. Interment will be at Spring Hill cemetery.

JOHN M. McLEAN - Obituary

McLean, John M.

The East Liverpool Tribune


Aged Resident of Wellsville Passes away at His Home in Center Avernue

John M. McLean, aged 76, died at his home in Chester avenue last evening (July 4, 1906) at 6:30 o'clock after an illness of one week of stomach trouble. Funeral services will be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. W. J. Hutchinson. Interment will be in the Brick church cemetery.

Deceased had resided in Wellsville for the past 19 years. He was born near Glasgow and spent the greater part of his life there. When he first came to Wellsville he conducted a meat market and later engaged in the rain and feed business. For the past year he had lived a retired life.

In 1868 he was united in marriage to Catherine Campbell, who preceded him to the grave 15 years ago. The surviving children are Mrs. H. D. Dever, of New Philadelphia and Mrs. O. H. Moore, and Miss Luella McLean, living in Wellsville. Deceased is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Margaret McBane, of Wellsville.

He was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church and for a number of years was an elder in the Brick church. He was a man of Christian character and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him.


Pelley, George G.

The East Liverpool Tribune


Passes Away at His Home in Oak Grove Park.

George G. Pelley, aged 60, died at 2:30 Monday a.m. (Jul. 16, 1906) at his home at Oak Grove Park, of consumption. The remains will be brought to Wellsville today to the home of A. M. Peuuey <sic>, brother of the deceased, in Commerce street. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the First Christian church, the Rev. W. C. Prewitt and the Rev. A. Vandersall officiating. Interment will be made in Spring Hill cemetery.

The deceased is survived by his wife and nice children, five boys and four girls. Mr. Pelley was struck on the breast two years ago while rolling logs and sustained injuries which brought on tuberculosis.

8/4/1906 Skeletons Exposed As Ground Slips At The Old Cemetery

The East Liverpool Tribune

August 4, 1906


Removal Of Gravel At End of Fifth Street is Cause of Grew-Some Sight


A roll of bright red hair, here and there strands of it lying on the ground and blowing with the wind outside of the box in which can be seen a crushed skull, is visible in the old Fifth street cemetery.

Four rough boxes or coffins are exposed. In each there are the bones of a body. No attempt has been made to lift these bones and lay them away elsewhere and no re

Of the condition of the old cemetery has been made to the board of service until Friday.

Four feet over the bank of the old cemetery, just opposite the Fifth street extension and about 10 feet to the north, is exposed a coffin. The skull is in plain view. The sides of the box caved in and the weight of earth crushed the skull.

There, plain to the view of all, is a roll of bright red hair as strong as the hair of a living person. Touched by a breeze the hair is blown against the bank of gravel. Children were playing over the coffin and several when they saw the hair pushed it back into the narrow space between the top and bottom of what was once a pretty case.

The skull is crushed but the hair holds to it as firm as ever. Three feet, perhaps to the south, is another coffin. This also is crushed but only one bone is exposed. Farther on are three other boxes that are exposed.

The gravel is being taken from the base of the bank and occasionally the top falls in and from time to time more coffins and rough boxes are exposed. There are footprints just below these coffins showing that the curious have not missed a chance to see all that is possible of such ghastly sights.

Skeleton Unearthed - 1906 East Liverpool Tribune Article

The East Liverpool Tribune

June 13, 1906


Bones Found by Man Excavating at Old Boyce Cemetery

Complaint has been made to the police department of the practice of the city teamsters in hauling away gravel from the old Boyce cemetery in the East End. The cemetery was abandoned as a burial grounds thirty years ago and since the excavations were begun several skeletons have been exposed.

Mr. Peach, a member of the Electrical Porcelain works, the other day gathered up a basket full of bones which were uncovered in taking gravel from the hillside. The gravel is being used to fill up an East End street. Mr. Peach believes that when the bones are exposed they should at least be re-interred by the parties in another spot.

The matter will be investigated.