Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Turner, George
The East Liverpool Tribune

George Turner, aged 46, a former East Liverpool potter, died yesterday morning (Aug.14, 1906) at 4 o'clock of dropsy at Canonsburg, Pa. The body will be brought to this city at 3:30 this afgernoon and taken to the home of his son, James Turner, 157 Minerva street. The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Robert Kell of St. Stephens Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be made in Spring Grove cemetery.
Mr. Turner leaves a wife and several children. He had made his home in this city for a number of years.


Cullom, Mrs. Elizabeth
The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Elizabeth Collum, aged 68, died at 5:30 o'clock last evening (Aug. 2, 1906) at her home on Babbs Island, opposite the power house, after an illness of one week. she was the widow of John Wesley Cullom and was born near Salem, O.
Mrs. Cullom was married to John Cullom in 1863 and five children were born of the union, two of whom, Jas. R. and Laura Cullom, survive.
After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cullom resided for a number of years on the Howard farm opposite Wellsville. They removed to the island in 1868 and had lived together there until death seperated them.
Mrs. Cullom was a member of the First Christian church of this city and was a woman of Christian character. She had a wide circle of friends and was deeply beloved by all who knew her.
One sister, Mrs. Cornelius Johnson, of Curryville, Oregon, and one brother, J. Baughman, living near the same place, also survive.
The funeral services and place of burial have not been decided last night.


Hughes, Thomas, Infant
The East Liverpool Tribune

The funeral of Thomas the infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Asa Hughes, who died after a brief illness yesterday morning (Aug. 2, 1906) in the Klondike, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock form the residence of Thomas Lamp. Burial will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Thomas Lamp. Burial will be made in Spring Grove cemetery. Typed as written


Alexander, Alice
The East Liverpool Tribune

Alice Margaret, the 14-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Alexander, died at 3:30 yesterday afternoon (Aug. 2, 1906) at the home of her parents in Bank street. The funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and interment will be at Riverview.


Bowdler, Richard H.
The East Liverpool Tribune

Richard H. Bowdler, aged 52 , one of the best known potters in the city died yesterday (Jul. 27, 1906) at his home, 112 Prospect street, of dropsy after a lingering illness. He had been in failing health for over a year, but had only been confined to his home the past six weeks.
The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and interment will be made in Riverview. Mr. Bowler was born at Coalport, Shopshire, England, in 1854, and came to East Liverpool 18 years ago. He was a turner by trade and one of the most skillful men in that branch in the city. During his entire residence in this city he was employed at the china works of the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Potteries company, and enjoyed the esteem of the management and employes of the firm.
He was of a kind and benevolent disposition and to those who knew him best he was an ideal man. He was a member of the Josiah Wedgewood lodge, Sons of St. George, and the members of the order will turn out in a body to the funeral.
A wife and three children, Florence, aged 22, Lucy, aged 17, and Percy G. Bowdler, aged 14 survive.