Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The East Liverpool Tribune




The above illustration is a good likeness of William and Samuel R. Cartwright, pioneer potters and brothers, who died within 37 hours of each other, Samuel expiring yesterday (May 13, 1906) just after the hour of noon. They were associated in business and were men of exemplary traits of character and steadfast Christians.

The funeral of William Cartwright occurs today at 2 o'clock from the late residence, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and the Grand Army, full military honors to be accorded. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery. A bible presented to Mr. Cartwright by Bethel chapel in England will be used in the service. It is over 50 years old and was highly prized by the deceased.

The remains of Samuel Cartwright may be viewed this evening from 7:30 until 10 o'clock at the home in Fourth street. The funeral will occur at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, interment to be made in Riverview.

These two brothers were potters of the old school and self-made men of the highest ideal. They worked hard for business success and deserved much praise for their kindness to employes<sic> and their honest business methods.

Samuel Robert Cartwright, vice president of the Cartwright Bros. company, potters, died Sunday at 12:15 o'clock. He was a brother of William Cartwright, president of the company, who passed away Friday night. Death was due to dropsy.

There is quite a coincidence in the two deaths, as the two brothers had been almost constant associates in business and social life and were familiar figures together on the street going to and from the factory. They married sisters and in many respects they were similar in habits and good traits of character.

Samuel Cartwright was born in Burslem, England, May 2, 1840. When but five years of age he came to this country for about seven years. On his return he came with his parents to East Liverpool. He was the seventh child and youngest son of William and Elizabeth Cartwright.

Early in life he began to learn the potting trade and followed it until in the year 1877, when he became a member of the firm of Cartwright, Manley & Co. in 1880 the two brothers bought the holding of Holland Manley and it became the Cartwright Bros. In 1897 they incorporated under the name of the Cartwright Bros. Co. Besides being vice-president, Mr. Cartwright was general manager. He was for two terms president to city council and was one of the township trustees. He was also a member of the Gen. Lyon Post, G. A. R., having enlisted at the same time as did his brother, William, in Co. I, 143rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In politics Mr. Cartwright was an ardent Republican and in religion he was a life long member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was a great home man and his happiest hours were those he spent with his family. He was possessed of a wide acquaintance and no man was held in higher respect in the community.

When Cartwright & Manley began business in 1864 they had a one-kiln yellow ware pottery. It took hard work and long hours and great sacrifices to establish the business and put it on substantial footing. The Cartwright brothers were, however, natural potters and men of great energy. In England the Cartwright family was noted for their progress in the mechanical arts and they came of a long line of good people.

He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, who was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Talbot and to whom he was united in marriage in 1861. Two children were born to them Frank E., who died in infancy, and Fred H. Fred married Carrie Metsch and has two children, Robert and Ruth.


William Cartwright

The East Liverpool Tribune


Pioneer Citizen of East Liverpool and One of the Oldest Pottery Manufacturers in the United States


William Cartwright, one of the oldest American pottery manufacturers died last night (May 11, 1906) at 11 o'clock at his home in West Sixth Street. He had been in ill health for the past two years, suffering from a disease of the liver contracted while serving in the Union army during the Civil war. He was taken quite ill at 9 o'clock and passed away two hours later.

The deceased was one of the most highly esteemed men of the community. He was a kind husband and father, a devout Christian and generous to all whenever aid was needed by the destitute or sick

He was a native of England, coming from the pottery districts and was a potter of the old school. He was born in Burslem, Eng., and was 71 years of age the 29th of last December, and was a son of William and Elizabeth Cartwright. He is survived by one brother, Samuel, of Fourth street, with whom he associated in 1864 and began the manufacture of pottery in this city.

Mr. Cartwright was prominent in public affairs and served the interests of the community faithfully and efficiently in many capacities. He was a member of the board of equalization from the time of its inception up until the body was abolished by the present code. He was at one time president of city council, a member of the board of education, an organizer and director of the First National Bank. He was the only surviving incorporator of the First National Bank.

He was president of the Cartwright Bros.' Pottery Co., and treasurer of the Potters Mining & Milling Co., and a director of the Potters National bank, also a director of the Riverview Cemetery association and many other institutions identified with the progress of the city.

He was a private in Co. I, 143rd Ohio volunteer Infantry, and saw hard service. He was also a member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and the G. A. R., and lodge will conduct the funeral services.

Mr. Cartwright was married to Harriet Talbot, April 24th, 1858. Of this union five children were born, all of whom survive. They are Elizabeth, Harry, Ambrose, John and Mrs. S. R. Huss. When only 10 years old Mr. Cartwright joined the Methodist Episcopal church and was a consistent member until a few years ago, when he became a member of the First Presbyterian church, that the entire family would be of the same creed, the children having affiliated with that faith.

In his illness they have been devoted attentive and everything that loving ones could do was done to relieve his sufferings and prolong life. Dr. McClelland, of Pittsburg, was often called in consultation. Mr. Cartwright was a man who never angered and his family never heard a harsh word from him. Major William McKinley was a warm personal friend of Mr. Cartwright. He never came to East Liverpool without paying a visit to his friend.

Funeral arrangements have not been made. The family have the sympathy of a wide host of friends in their sorrow.


Mrs. Mary McCaskey

The East Liverpool Tribune

Mrs. Mary McCaskey died at the Riverside hospital in Lisbon yesterday (Apr. 23, 1906) as the result of paralysis. Deceased was a resident of West Point and was removed to the hospital soon after she was stricken early in March. She was a lifelong resident of Madison township having been born 80 years ago. She is survived by a son, Charles, her husband having died about six years ago. The body will be taken to her late home today and the funeral held Wednesday morning from the Madison Presbyterian church at 9:30 o'clock.

JOHN S. FOWLER - Obituary

John S. Fowler

The East Liverpool Tribune


John S. Fowler, one of East Liverpool's best known citizens died at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon (April 22, 1906) at his home in Pennsylvania avenue, East End, after an illness of a few weeks of stomach trouble. He was 59 years old and was a son of the late Capt. T. W. Fowler, of Baden, Pa., and had followed the river as an engineer until the year 1882, when he came to East Liverpool. This city had been his place of residence ever since.

The funeral services will be held at the family residence in East End tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, the Rev. M. A. Eakin, pastor of the Second United Presbyterian church officiating. Interment will take place Wednesday afternoon at Oakland cemetery, Freedom, Pa. Mr. Fowler enjoyed the esteem and respect of all whose who knew him and the news of his death will be learned with deep regret by his many friends. He was a member of the Republican central committee and had served a couple of terms as assessor of the First ward.

He is survived by a wife, three sons, frank, George and Samuel, of this city, and one daughter, Mrs. H. A. Weeks, of Cincinnati; also by one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Larkins, of this city, and two brothers, Samuel Fowler, of Baden, Pa., and Charles T. Fowler, of Freedom.

All the children and other relatives named, were present at this bedside when the end came.


Booker Keyes

The East Liverpool Tribune

Booker, the 23-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Keyes, died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning (Apr. 23, 1906) at the home of his parents in Ida street, after a brief illness of whooping cough. The funeral services will be held this afternoon from the family residence, the Rev. Mr. Collins of the African Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Fred Richter

The East Liverpool Tribune


Fred Richter, aged 21 years, died early yesterday morning (Apr. 26, 1906) as the result of injuries received in a wreck o the Panhandle at Mingo shortly before 12 o'clock Wednesday night.

Richter was a brakeman on a switch train working at night between Colliers and Mingo, and while he was standing on the platform of a caboose an engine crashed into the car throwing Richter forward and causing him to strike his head on a piece of iron. He died before he could be removed to a hospital.


Mrs. Hanna Rowley

The East Liverpool Tribune


Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Robert Rowley, who died in Wellsville, Saturday (Apr. 21, 1906), will be held this morning, burial taking place in the Catholic cemetery in this city. Mrs. Rowley's maiden name was Hanna McGuire and she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire, of Pine street.

MARIA YOUNG - Obituary

Mrs. Maria Young

The East Liverpool Tribune


Word was received here yesterday announcing the death of Mrs. Maria Young at Los Angeles, Calif., last Friday (April 20, 1906). She was 89 years of age and was the grandmother of H. H., Charles, and Rose Starret, all of Wellsville. Mrs. Young went to Los Angeles 18 years ago and made her home with her daughter, Mrs. K. B. Dales.

EDMOND A. GEON - Obituary

Edmond A. Geon

The East Liverpool Tribune

The death of Edmond A. Geon, who had been ill for about three years, occurred Thursday evening (Apr. 18, 1906) at 11:15 o'clock in Massillion<sis>, Ohio

His illness was attributed directly to a disease of the liver, but he also suffered from a complication of diseases. He entered Battle Creek sanitarian soon after the symptoms of his ailment made their appearance and since that time spent many days at different medical resorts in search of health.

While the relatives and friends of Mr. Geon knew him to be in a critical condition and believed his recovery impossible, yet the news of his death yesterday morning caused them no little shock. His brother, Joseph W. Geon, who went to Massillon on the early morning train to visit him did not learn of his death until his arrival.

Mr. Geon was 41 years of age and was one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of East Liverpool. Together with his brother, Albert he was engaged in the grocery business in this city for a number of years. He was a prominent member of the local lodge of Elks and also of the Knights of Columbus.

The remains of deceased were expected to arrive in the city last evening.

Mr. Geon is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Lizzie Burton, and one daughter, Miss Bernadette. Also besides his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Geon, he is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Albert and Joseph, of this city; Frank, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Edward McIntosh, Mrs. Chas. Pittinger, this city; Mrs. C. A. Smith, Pittsburg; Mrs. Robert Bateman, San Francisco;' Mrs. Albert Portman, Pittsburg, and Miss Laura Geon, of Chicago.


Aaron Guthrie

The East Liverpool Tribune

Aaron Guthrie died yesterday afternoon (Apr. 20, 1906) at 1 o'clock at the city hospital after being ill three months with dropsy. Mr. Guthrie was taken ill while traveling for the American Queensware company and soon after his return home in February he was removed to the city hospital. His wife was in San Francisco at the time, but she left for home immediately and was at her husband's bedside during his illness and at the time of his death..

Mr. Guthrie was well known all over the city and held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. He was a member of the Elks and Eagles, and the local members of those orders will attend the funeral services to be held Monday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock at the St. Aloysius church, and which will be conducted by the Rev. Father Mahon.

The body was removed from the city hospital to the home of deceased's sister, Mrs. Ellen Vervin, in Illinois avenue.

Mr. Guthrie was 40 years of age and is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Susan Vervin, of this city, and one son, Charles. He was born in Northumberland county, England, and at one time worked in a store in Newcastle, that country. He came to East Liverpool in the eighties and started to work in the decorating shop of a pottery. This employment he continued in until within the last year or so when he accepted the position of traveling salesman for the American Queensware company.


Alice Doland

The East Liverpool Tribune

Alice, the six-and-one-half-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doland, died yesterday morning (Mar. 22, 1906) at the home of her parents in Church street, after a brief illness of typhoid fever following an attack of measles. The funeral services will be held Saturday morning at the home. Adjutant Snider of the Salvation Army, conducting the services. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Jennie Martin

The East Liverpool Tribune

Miss Jennie Martin, age 21, died early Sunday morning (Apr. 15, 1906), at her home, 131 Spring street of tuberculosis, after a brief illness. She was a member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church and until last fall had been a member of the church choir. She was beloved and esteemed for her many excellent traits of character. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon a the home at 1:30 and at the church at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. g. Reinartz, officiating. Interment will be made in Riverview cemetery.


Infant of Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson

The East Liverpool Tribune

The seven-week-old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson, died at noon yesterday (April 10, 1906) of acute indigestion. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. this afternoon from the family residence, the Rev. Mr. Sankey of the United Presbyterian church officiating. Interment will be made in Locust Hill cemetery.


Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Couchman

The East Liverpool Tribune

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Couchman died yesterday morning (Mar. 22, 1906) at the home of the parents in Washington street after a brief illness. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will follow in Riverview cemetery.


Martin H. Rumberger

The East Liverpool Tribune

Martin H. Rumberger, a well known citizen of Toronto, died yesterday (Mar. 28, 1906) morning of heart trouble. He was born at Hagerstown, Maryland, and had spent the last 17 years of his life in Toronto. He was a blacksmith by occupation. He is survived by a wife and several children and four brothers, one of the latter John Rumberger, residing in this city.