Sunday, June 8, 2008

HOLLY STONE - Obituary

Stone, Holly
The East Liverpool Tribune
Falls Between Cars and Two Pass Over His Body
Dies Short Time After Being Taken to Hospital
Holly Stone, who was employed in the C. & P. Yards at Wellsville was brought to the city hospital last night, about 11:45 suffering from injuries received while attempting to climb between two cars. He had hardly been placed on the operating table when he expired, although Dr. Clyde Larkins, who was present when he was brought in, made every effort to prolong his life.
Both of Stone's legs were broken and he sustained internal injuries, besides a severe wound on his head. He was brought from Wellsville on a special train and conveyed at once to the hospital.
Stone lived in Riverside avenue, near Eighteenth street, Wellsville, and had been employed as a brakeman on the "hump" for abot three months, previous to which time he was working on the wreck train. He moved to Wellsville about two years ago and was about 35 years of age. He is survived by his wife and one child.
Two cars passed over Stone's body after he fell between them. How he came to slip and fall is not know, but is is probable that the bumpers were wet from snow and rain.

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