Sunday, February 10, 2008


East Liverpool Review
Friday, Nov. 23, 1951

Train Kills Ex-City Man
H. J. Bennett Loses
Life in Coshocton

Harry J. Bennett, former East Liverpool resident, ws killed instantly Wednesday at 11 p. m. when his car was struck by a train at the Pennsylvania Railroad Crossing in Cochocton.

He was returning from a movie to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Berber, with whom he resided.

Born in Wade County, W. Va. he was the son of Edward and Fanny L. Bennett. He lived here as a youth and then moved to Cochocton, returning about 1929 to work in district potteries.

He was employed last as a caster at the Hall China Co., retiring in 1945. He was a member of the NBOP and the Chester Christian Church.

Besides his daughter, his is survived by a son, Clyde Emerson Bennett of Wellsville, and three brothers, Andrew Bennett of East Liverpool and Walter Bennett and Okay Bennett, both in California.

Services will be held Saturday at 10 a. m. in Coshocton. Burial will be in Marietta.

Contributed by Diana Barnhart

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