Monday, June 2, 2008


The East Liverpool Tribune
July 30, 1906


Former Resident Meets With Accident at Clyde, Pa. --Little Hope for Recovery

John Johnston, of Eighth street, received a telegraph message last evening that his brother-in-law, Henry Moore, in the employ of Contractor NcNally, had been perhaps fatally injured at Clyde, Pa., Monday morning. The nature of the accident was not stated.
Moore is well known in this city having resigned a position as motorman on the local street car line to accept employment with the railroad contractors. One year ago he was injured by a premature discharge of dynamite while assisting in setting off a heavy blast, which sent him to the hospital for several weeks.
This latest accident is believed to be more serious than the first and the relatives in this city have been notified to prepare for the worst. Moore has three sisters here, Mrs. Jess Knowles, of Chester, Mrs. George Lowers of Trentvale street, and Mrs. John Johnston, of Eighth street. He was a motorman on the local line for several years and is very well known. Further particulars relative to his condition were not obtainable at a late hour last night.
Two dispatches were received from Clyde but neither contained any details as to the nature of the accident. Unless later encouraging reports are received as to the victim's condition local relatives will go to Clyde this morning.

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